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GreenChill Refrigeration Partnership

Program Name: GreenChill Refrigeration Partnership
Program Sponsor: EPA (Federal)
Program Type:          Technical Assistance/Information sharing
Technology:               Refrigerants
Fuel:                           N/A (Refrigerants)
Eligibility:                  Food retailers including supermarkets, grocery stores, supercenters, and wholesale clubs; involvement available for refrigeration system manufacturers and service technicians.
Cost: Program participation is free and voluntary; cost of system upgrades.


GreenChill is an EPA partnership with food retailers to reduce refrigerant emissions and decrease their impact on the ozone layer and climate change. The 2010 phaseout of certain hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) – particularly HCFC-22 – under the Clean Air Act marked a major step in the transition to alternative refrigerants. The majority of supermarkets use HCFC-22 as their primary refrigerant and while it remains legal to run an installed HCFC-22 system, refrigerant production for servicing HCFC-22 equipment ended in 2020. Additionally, high rates of refrigerant leaks are common. GreenChill assists food retailers take advantage of improved technologies for supermarket refrigerants to reduce leaks and provides food retailers with ozone and climate-friendly alternatives that align with the new regulatory framework.


Food retailers including supermarkets, grocery stores, supercenters, and wholesale clubs that are willing to reduce company-wide refrigerant emissions and have no current Clean Air Act (CAA) enforcement issues pending.

How The Program Works

  1. GreenChill Partner

To join GreenChill, an authorized representative of the business signs a GreenChill Partnership Agreement, which outlines the business’s goals and responsibilities as a Partner. EPA then completes an enforcement screening and countersigns the Partnership Agreement.

Once a business becomes a GreenChill member, EPA assists in the development and successful attainment of corporate sustainability goals related to commercial refrigeration systems. Partners have access to information about improved technologies, the most recent EPA research and field tests on refrigerant substitutes, best practice guidelines, and servicing practices to reduce leaks. Using data submissions from all Partners, GreenChill develops a benchmarking system so a business can evaluate its progress toward its refrigerant transition and leak-reduction goals compared to peer companies. Partners also gain access to members-only meetings, where information on successful emissions reduction strategies are shared.  Partners whose achievements extend beyond regulatory requirements may receive recognition EPA-issued awards.

Visit the GreenChill Partnership Website for more information.

  1. GreenChill Store Certification

GreenChill’s Store Certification Program for food retailers recognizes individual stores for using environmentally friendlier commercial refrigeration systems. A food retail store can achieve platinum, gold, or silver certifications. Any food retail store in the United States is eligible to apply for the GreenChill Certification.

Visit the GreenChill Store Certification Website for more information.

How to Apply

Contact GreenChill to request a Partnership packet, containing a GreenChill Partnership Agreement, sample Partnership materials, and other details about becoming a Partner.

Contact Information


For Other Partnership Details
Kersey Manliclic