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State Energy Code Training and Resources

Program Name: State Energy Code Training and Resources
Program Sponsor: NYSERDA
Program Type:          Information Sharing/ Technical Support
Technology:               Energy Efficiency/ Demand Response
Fuel:                        Electricity; Natural Gas
Eligibility:  Open
Cost: Free or Low Cost


The 2020 State Energy Code sets the minimum standards for energy efficiency in building construction in New York. Buildings comprise about 60% of New York’s energy consumption, making code compliance essential for energy savings and carbon reduction. NYSERDA provides free or low-cost resources for building energy professional and other members of the construction trade to enhance compliance with the State Energy Code. Classroom and web-based training provides hundreds of free opportunities to code officials statewide, who may qualify for continued education credits.

The State Energy Code Training Directory lists all available training courses.

For further resources, refer to the New York State Energy Code Manual for Design Professionals.



How to Apply &

Entries within the Training Directory may provide application or registration information.

Contact Information

Further application information and general questions may be directed to