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Program Name: WasteWise
Program Sponsor: EPA (Federal)
Program Type:          Management Software/Data Tracking & Information Sharing/Technical Support
Technology:               Waste Management
Fuel:                           N/A (Waste)
Eligibility:                  All U.S. businesses, governments and nonprofit organizations can join WasteWise as a partner, endorser, or both.
Cost: Free

As of 2022, the EPA is no longer accepting WasteWise partners as it plans to evolve the Sustainable Materials Management partnership programs. The lists of 2020 and 2021 award winners can be found here


WasteWise was a voluntary program that helped participating businesses reduce waste quantity and disposal costs.


Any organization that “generates waste and has a means to measure (its) recycling and waste reduction efforts” qualified as a partner. Any business could participate as an endorser.