Jenkins ranks airport and County Center as priorities
Jenkins, who is running in the Feb. 11 special election to determine who will serve out the remainder of now Congressman George Latimer’s term, appeared at a breakfast event that helped launch WCA’s 75th anniversary year. Jenkins is running against Republican Christine Sculti in the special election.
At the event, Susan Fox, president and CEO of White Plains Hospital and WCA board chair, said, “As WCA celebrates its 75th anniversary, we will continue to reflect on our powerful legacy while looking ahead to shape the future. This momentous year will feature events showcasing WCA’s leadership in economic development, advocacy, and innovation — providing opportunities for businesses and nonprofits to connect, learn, and grow.”
Jenkins took part in a chat with WCA President and CEO Michael Romita during which Jenkins outlined key priorities for the future, many of which had been priorities when Latimer was county executive and Jenkins was deputy county executive.

Jenkins recalled that shortly after the county announced a master plan for the airport the Covid pandemic struck and progress on the master plan was halted.
“We have to get that back on track and move that forward,” Jenkins said. “We are modernizing the airport and we’re going to keep talking about modernizing the main terminal and trying to address some of the issues that are necessary.”
Jenkins said that they’ll be looking at improving facilities to make passengers more comfortable after they’ve gone through TSA security checkpoints.
He also said that the Westchester County Center needs additional investment to bring it up to modern standards, especially in view of the possibility of MGM getting a full casino license for its operation in Yonkers that probably would result in an expansion that would include a 5,000-seat performance venue.
“We have a small county center that has a 5,000 seat capacity that would be kind of in direct competition with that,” Jenkins said. “We are trying to work through that and sit down and talk through that particular item. But we have a master study that’s currently going on to see how that works with the County Center.”
On a personal note, Jenkins told the approximately 200 business and community leaders in attendance that his father was a policeman and his mother was a nurse.
“When people talk about police things in Westchester, we invest in our police and we have our strongest investment in our police and economic development,” Jenkins said. “We also work with all of our communities to make sure that everyone feels safe and secure. No one in Westchester should walk around in a community and feel unsafe. What we’ve been able to do in Westchester is hear the concerns, focus on a solution … everyone feels that their voice got heard… everyone feels that their county government is there for them.”
The event also included a panel of economic experts featuring: moderator Gustave J. Scacco, chief investment officer and CEO of Hudson Valley Investment Advisors; panelists Luis Massiani, president and COO of Webster Financial Corporation and Webster Bank, N.A.; Michael J. Schiliro, senior vice president of PCSB Bank; and Melinda White, senior vice president and director of middle market banking Metro NY for Popular Bank.
White called for reducing government regulation saying, “Reducing regulatory burdens across the board will spark excitement and drive growth, not just for financial institutions, but for the entire economy.”
The panelists recommended that businesses: use advancements in financial technology to protect against fraud and improve efficiency; prepare for changes in regulatory frameworks that could impact lending and investment opportunities; address workforce challenges by investing in training programs and digital tools; and explore innovative housing solutions to support talent retention and economic growth.